Starting this a little bit early so everyone can get their two cents in if possible.
To kick it off, I think Burned will cover the following points:
- Arbiter's moral degradation. He'll eventually give in to using the hacks, especially considering that he has nothing to lose.
- Chief slowly losing it after "seeing" Cortana the previous episode. Perhaps he'll become more solitary.
- More development of Eugene's character and possibly the other clan members. We don't really know a lot about them and what motivates them to do what they do.
- Arbiter's revenge against those douchebags who confronted him about his voice. Jon wouldn't set up characters like that without some form of consequence. The previous random players served their purpose, but these "rowdy players" seem to have more to display than just their usual "hurr durr i'mma hack you lulz" attitudes.
Those are my thoughts. As for the title, I think it can reference multiple things. Have a look at these entries that I found interesting on The Free Dictionary:
12. To make angry: That remark really burns me.
a. To defeat in a contest, especially by a narrow margin.
c. To inflict harm or hardship on; hurt: "Huge loan losses have burned banks in recent years" (Christian Science Monitor).
d. To swindle or deceive; cheat: We really got burned on the used car we bought.
So, yeah.