Good for you.
Anyways, here's what I think of the episode:
Brilliant. Great episode which showcases how much Chief has matured (brief as it may be) and Arbiter's sense of morality. Cortana is proving to be quite the interesting role as of late and is so far not fulfilling my expectations of her to be annoying like her living counterpart. She actually seems to have an It's a Wonderful Life essence about her and may even prove to be Chief's saving grace when it comes to him fully developing into a more tolerant being.
Eugene's antagonistic qualities were really shown well in this episode and I truly felt a sinister atmosphere when Arbiter was confronting him. His villainy is probably the most intimidating of all the antagonists in the series. Craig was just a typical online jerk, Trent was much more threatening but still had some traits that held him back, but Eugene is bona fide bad. Kudos to Jon for that.
I also found the last scene to be one of great importance. I've already glimpsed at lengthy discussions about what Arbiter could have been thinking but as of now, I don't have a good read on what kind of emotion the scene is conveying. One part of me thinks it's self-pity and one part of me thinks it's a discovery of the mind; the perception of Arbiter's moral compass.
The only real problem I found with this episode is how Colin's "sick little impulses" were never given any thought besides the beginning scene. Arbiter and Chief never really achieved anything in regards to that conflict but I think the resulting confrontation gave it a pass... for now at least. With that thought in mind, I would like for "Greenlit" to have a huge payoff in regards to Colin or another character. I'm ready for the series to begin its journey to the pinnacle. Jon, let us have it.
Overall, I found this episode to be really great and a worthy installment in the final few episodes we have left of the dynamic duo.
Rating: 9.5/10