We had great times, guys. Thank you Jon for these awesome episodes that almost made me cry with two plastic toys with monotone voices.
R.I.P ANTC Jan 7, 2008 - Aug 17 2013.
We had great times, guys. Thank you Jon for these awesome episodes that almost made me cry with two plastic toys with monotone voices.
R.I.P ANTC Jan 7, 2008 - Aug 17 2013.
When they died I cried like a baby! Little baby me! :')
Bytes are out of the question now, for the simple reason the actual real-life figurines are falling apart. But he mentioned creating a live-action game review show. Which I guess will be something like Hypernews.
I've always said that we should take over joncjg.wikia.com...
Many people missed the show. Maybe one day, there will be a new season. Or a reboot. But come on! We want to see more arby n the chief!
That was so sad. :'(
i loved this series i have been watching this show pretty much since it came out and i really loved it. i could really connect to the toys, even 1337 Ch33f. i really felt for these guys and even though i know a person made it and it really didn't happen(?) to me these guys will always be real. At the season 6 finale when cortana, ch33f,Arby and Greg are all standing together, with ch33f and arby's arms around eachother, i just cried. it was so touching. and the finale, well i think this sums it up, :')
Remember what Chief said in the movie? It perfectly describes Arby n the Chief
"It will make people laugh, and it will make people cry"