Arby 'n' the Chief Wiki
Arby 'n' the Chief Wiki
← "Femme Fatale" "Christmas Special 2011" "New Year's Special 2011" →


It's Christmas Eve. Chief is seen wearing his Christmas vest and hanging his stocking on the wall as the nutcracker sweet is heard playing. Nearby post it notes say: "santa all presints in h33r :) K? K."

  • Chief: arbitur / is u gonna hung up ur stockign 4 santa? cuz its sexmas remembir? lol remembir? remembir its sexmas

Arbiter as seen preparing a gift "to Chief from Santa".

  • Arbiter: Have you hung yours?
  • Chief: yes im well hung / ROFL 
  • Arbiter: Cheeky Chief is cheeky.
  • Chief: so ch33ky
  • Arbiter: Too cheeky. Hang on just give me a second.
  • Chief: NO

Arbiter puts Chief's present in the closet and shuts the door. He then goes to Chief.

  • Chief: i cant wait 1 moar singl secinds 2 pleh halo combat revolved university edishen / a brand new halos / mien / all mien / santa bettar stop heer 1st or imma be so >:( [angry face]
  • Arbiter: Out of seven billion people living on the planet you insist that he make this apartment his first stop?
  • Chief: i doesnt think its 2 much too axe / besieds i deserved it / ive b33n liek rly rly gud
  • Arbiter: Others might say otherwise.
  • Chief: liek who?
  • Arbiter: Like everybody...ever.
  • Chief: tahts horseshit / i've been ossim / i've b33n lettign u pleh skyward dicks every goddamn day
  • Arbiter: For like five eight minutes following your twenty-four hour nonstop Reach sessions before you start bitching for the controller back again and throwing shit at me. Oh the sacrifices you've made. Thanks, prick.
  • Chief: adn its all cuz im so generis
  • Arbiter: By the way you didn't just say "university", did you?
  • Chief: ya / i wants it arbitur / and if i doesnt get it imma kick santas fat fuckign ass / th3n imma raep and kill and eat all his raind33r / om nom nom
  • Arbiter: That's not very christmassy.
  • Chief: i dunt give a shit / fuck teh police.

Arbiter starts walking away.

  • Arbiter: Well, I strongly suggest you consider balancing our game time a little more reasonably if you want any hope of santa bringing you Anniversary.
  • Chief: university arbitur
  • Arbiter: It's Halo's tenth anniversary, why the fuck would they call it university?
  • Chief: cuz mastur ch33f saevs teh whoel entire universe remembir? lol remembir arbitur? has u evar even plehed halos b4? omg ur dum
  • Arbiter: ...I'm going to bed. Don't stay up too late.
  • Chief: no u
  • Arbiter: Okay, Chief.

Arbiter leaves. Chief starts emptying a bag of thumb tacks into Arbiter's stocking.

  • Chief: call meh a prick / i give u a prick / lolololllololollolololollolol / merry crissmiss fuckface

Fade to black. Text is shown "To be continued! Merry Christmas!"

Credits roll. The end.
